Sunday, August 25, 2013


  I have the tendency to see things from only the good side. No matter which city I'm living in, I'm finding it the best place for me at that time, I'm looking for amazing/interesting/inspiring places, I'm hoping to meet some great people, I believe this is the place where I can make all my dreams come true. The same with job- I'm grateful for what I have and even if it's not the dream one, I believe it leads me to where I want to be. 

 This optimistic point of view may be healthy, but is it leading me to actually make my dreams come true and living the life I want to live, or to postpone it endlessly? Maybe we shouldn't be black or white, maybe we should be a little optimistic to trust our luck, a little pessimistic to notice what we can do better, a little idealistic to follow our dreams and a little realistic to take conscious steps to transform plans into actions? 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

City escape

  I finally started to understand the idea of lonely, paradise island. For many years combination of sea, sand and sky seemed to be pretty boring for me. Mountains? Yes! But seaside? Hmm, maybe next summer...

 But now I could use few days, weeks, months (?) in such a carry- and stimulus-less environment. Sorry ambitions, I'm not interested that much in you anymore. Simple pleasures, you're very welcomed!  Letting body to rest, letting time to pass, letting things go instead of aiming higher and  being productive.

 The words of internet wisdom:

"Stop the glorification of busy"

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Special occasion

 One Christmas I got a can full of delicious chocolates. It was written on it: "Every occasion is perfect to celebrate". Now let's apply this to the wardrobe. I don't know how about yours, but mine is full of dresses and accessories "for special occasion".  And do I ever wear them? Hmmm... Not really. So they keep waiting and I keep finding out another amazing pieces "for special occasion". 

 I think that this "for special occasion" syndrome is just a form of fashion procrastination; a way of me stopping myself from wearing some extraordinary things. What would be a solution? Maybe creating special occasions instead of waiting for them? F.ex. shocking people in the market with doing your groceries in a tulle dress :) Hmm...why not? ;)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Broken plate and Gossip Girl Lesson

 It takes me time to try out things that people go crazy with. I'm waiting in the shadow, pretending that I'm not that into smartphones, tablets, fresh trends and hot places. In fact, I'm waiting for the first dust to fall, first enthusiasm to fade, so I can safely, knowing already pros and cons, basing on others experiences and knowledge-form my opinion, try things myself, like them or not.

 And so I got into tv shows. After my the best of the best Glee, New Girl, Revenge, Happy Endings, Sex and the City- the time for Gossip Girl has come!  Probably I'm not the only one forming my before-falling-asleep thoughts into prayer like this: "I want this kind of life! Those dresses!!! But please save me from all those intrigues, that's too much for me!" And so I'm waking up and there's no Dorota bringing my tiny fruity breakfast on silver tray, there's no chauffeur in white gloves welcoming me while holding the door of my private limo, I don't have life biggest decision everyday "Chanel or Gucci?" but I also don't have all those intrigues and need of the spotlights to be on me. 

 No, wait... Intrigues happen sometimes, but a better word for them is misunderstandings. Sometimes just life or me myself have the allergy to keep the things simple. Some words are said, some things are done, some actions taken or not. Can all be forgiven and forgotten? Here comes the broken plate lesson, looked up on a friend's fb wall (I hope I remember it correctly): throw a plate on the floor. Done. Did it break? Yes. Now put it back together. Is it still the same plate?

 Let me leave you tonight with this slightly bitter question. And so I'll stay with it myself. 

Sunday, August 4, 2013


 The part of a magazine that I'm usually skipping, is an interview with someone well-known. What can a movie star, singer or a model say, that will change or refresh my way of thinking? And why their words are more interesting than people's that I meet at work, school, on the street? The same with bloggers (ups, aren't I one?). I used to think that bloggers, especially the popular ones, have something extremely interesting and smart to say, but then I realize that their published thoughts aren't that discovery and don't differ that much from mine. Probably my own thoughts written down in this blog aren't that extraordinary either, but you can always just look on the pictures ;) 
 "Your beautifully messy complicated story matters (tell it)"